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American made...

I am always on the hunt for vintage props to use when I style a party. I came across this gem a few weeks ago at an antique store. I was back-to-school shopping and frankly, couldn't justify a ME purchase, but I couldn't stop thinking about HER...So I went back today and she was still there, peely paint and all. After I brought her home I looked up the history of the company (printed on the front). I was even more excited when I found out that Penn Scale Manufacturing Company is still in business. They have been in business since 1923 and still manufacture scales.They are located in Philadelphia, PA. I love a great vintage find, but a good story about an American made product is even better!

                                    Come see me at a wow us wednesday here.


  1. I love a great thrifty find, especially one that is full of history. Your scale is awesome!


  2. I love your old scale!! It's so great. I could never have passed that up.
    Mary Alice

  3. That is wonderful and what a great history.It was waiting for you, it was meant to be yours.
